Global staff engagement

Mike Harling, Chairman of ESP Global Services, introduces a new Ambassador Programme to help engage international workforce


Staff satisfaction

Well informed and connected people are vital to our success

Ensuring employees across the globe feel connected and are aware of the activities of the company is an important part of staff satisfaction and engagement

In the increasing internationally-focused working environment of today, ensuring that our people across the globe feel connected, are aware of the activities of their company and can feed back their thoughts is an important part of people engagement.

People that are based thousands of miles from each other, operate in different time zones, and often speak different languages, all need to feel connected and part of one team, but global engagement is a challenge for any company to achieve.

It is imperative that people not based centrally in a head office still have an awareness of what is going on, and can have a say on issues that impact them.

ESP is located across the world and we pride ourselves on our international footprint. We want all of our hundreds of people to be confident of the part they play.

This focus on people is part of our DNA, and at ESP we recognise that each and every person is an important link in the chain that enables us to continue to provide the best services to our customers.
Global staff engagement

Ambassador Programme

Our Ambassadors are people that are passionate about spreading the company message

Our Ambassador Programme is a new and exciting initiative that encourages people to show their passion for ESP by acting as a conduit between their local team and the broader company, communicating in a way that is suited to the language and way of working that their peers are accustomed to and understand.

Our Ambassadors are people that are passionate about spreading the company message to their teams in the most effective way, listening to their peers and helping us understand their feedback.


People then feel connected and they can grow within the company

ESP has had an extremely encouraging uptake in volunteers to take on these roles, and has so far appointed ambassadors in: Argentina, Australia, Colombia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Trinidad, and the USA. These locations are where ESP has a large concentration of staff outside of the UK.

The volunteers are largely non-management grade, but nonetheless care about global engagement across the company. They have a direct line of communication into upper management through which their voices can be heard.

ESP is actively based at customer sites 24/7, so this line of communication is particularly valuable in reaching employees that are based at customer facilities and may not have a day-to-day direct connection to ESP lines of communication.

Female colleagues laughing in meeting

Our workforce

The Ambassadors have already proven themselves to be valuable assets

We have additionally implemented a new suite of learning and development tools and a new performance management system to help employees understand and develop the skillsets necessary to progress within their roles.

The Ambassadors have already proven themselves to be valuable assets throughout the challenging environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic that impacted their peers and our customers.

The Ambassadors were a vital link the communication chain, sharing company updates with their peers to ensure that everybody was informed, as well as sharing their individual experiences of the outbreak and encouraging others to do the same.

Having a globally distributed workforce brings challenges and positivity in equal measure at this time of crisis, but we are encouraged by the continued commitment by our employees during this uncertain time, during which regional desks that are located in places that are not as affected are stepping up to alleviate some of the increased pressure placed on the UK HQ.

We were deeply proud of our people and the continued commitment they make to both their jobs and their fellow colleagues, coming together to show what the ESP Family can do throughout challenging times like these.

"We are proud of our workforce and the continued commitment they make to both their jobs and their fellow colleagues, coming together to show what the ESP Family can do throughout challenging times like these."

Mike Harling, Chairman of ESP


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