Going Yellow for Marie Curie

Fundraising at ESP

ESP Case Study - Marie Curie implement a new IT operating model
Go Yellow 2024

ESP supporting Marie Curie’s annual Great Daffodil Appeal

On March 21st, 2024, ESP organised a ‘Go Yellow’ day to raise awareness and funds for the Marie Curie charity. All our employees were encouraged to wear yellow, and there was a bake sale where many brought along baked treats such as cakes, banana bread, doughnuts, savoury rolls and buns, brownies and more.

You can help us fundraise by donating here

Guess how many sweets are in the jar

Along with the bake sale, there was a competition to guess how many sweets were in the jar, we had a lot of good guesses but our winner Nissa was only 1 sweet away with her guess of 190, amazing! There were 189 sweets in total.

Going Yellow for Marie Curie

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