King's Academy Prospect

King's Academy Prospect's IT hardware is kept current through ESP's lifecycle management services

ESP Prospect School case study - IT hardware lifecycle management services


"The service we get from ESP is second to none."

King's Academy Prospect is a secondary school in Reading. It is run by a charitable trust, which means that it is fully independent of local authority control. ESP has provided reliable IT support to them for more than 20 years. See the solution +

Their challenge

ESP hardware lifecycle management

Lifecycle management support

As part of a trust, the School is responsible for implementing and maintaining its own IT strategy. This means that it has a regular requirement for IT hardware so that it can keep its IT function up to date, and ensure both students and staff can access it when they need to.

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ESP’s bespoke IT solution

Full IT hardware procurement

We handle every aspect of King's Academy Prospect's IT hardware procurement, tailoring our choices to its exact requirements. We also advise the school on specification and placement of products, and deliver technical services as and when needed. As there are a number of items that the school requires on a regular basis, we have a monthly price catalogue (with fixed prices) that we use to place orders.

For more complex IT projects – such as those involving managed wireless, servers and infrastructure – we work on a per-project basis, determining an approved approach and specification with the school before getting started.

ESP's IT support has always been a positive experience for Prospect School, as a result, we have been partners for more than 20 years. Our ordering and supplying processes have been expertly honed in line with the school’s requirements to ensure it receives the exact IT hardware solutions it needs, and that these are delivered in the most efficient way.

"I need a local IT supplier that I can trust to provide the hardware we require, but more importantly, provide us with the added service we get from using ESP. From technical product advice to warranty management and delivery, the service we get from ESP is second to none."

Andrew Smith, Network Manager, King's Academy Prospect

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